Behold, two Tacos Plus from Taco Tree in Auburn! Or maybe it’s two Taco Plusses from Taco Tree. I’m never quite sure what I should say. On the menu board it just says “Taco Plus” and then the price. I usually ask for two Tacos Plus, and they haven’t ever asked me “plus what”, so I must be doing it right

I like Taco Tree. The food isn’t going to win any awards for being authentic Mexican fare, it’s just good food at good prices. Actually, the prices are great.
They aren’t really big on complicated mole sauce or adobado or anything like that. It basically tastes like Taco Night at the family residence nearest you. Which is kind of awesome! I mean, the food tastes like actual food made from ingredients. Tomatoes, beef, cheese, you know the drill. I wouldn’t take my date to Taco Tree to impress her, but when I’m in Auburn looking for a bite to eat then I drive right past the In-N-Out, the McDonalds, the Togos and the Subway and I go straight to Taco Tree. Yum.
Now that I think about it, maybe I will take my date to Taco Tree. If she doesn’t kind of dig it then we probably aren’t going to work out.